Hotel Comparison of over 30 Reservation Sites! Get customized Reports!

You have reached the world's leading hotel price comparison search engine.  We work with some of the biggest names in the hotel reservation industry; like, Expedia, Priceline,, and InterContinental. So what does that mean for you? Read on and you'll see the benefits of working with us.And don't just take our word for it, check out what the media have to say!

We will combine hotel pricing and information from over 30 of the world's leading hotel reservation sites. We have 235,000 hotels and apartments in 225 countries and your visitors can view the information in almost any currency and 24 languages with over 900,000 hotel deals.

Statistics and trends can be reported on a worldwide basis or for one country, state, city, area or a combination of these. The possibilities are endless using the largest hotel database in the world.  Data can be reported based on future and past booking trends. All statistics are based on generated booking leads.

Examples of reports that can be customized include:
  • Average hotel prices
  • Origin of travelers
  • City with the most hotel bookings within a larger region
  • Most popular hotel in an area
  • Average length of stay
  • Average rates at a specified time
  • Average star ratings in an area
Further aggregate customized statistics in nearly any way, such as:
  • Luxury hotels only (four or more stars)
  • Budget hotels only (below four stars)
  • Comparison of booking trends of the residents of one country or area vs. another
  • Comparison to same time last year

Why is Hotels Combined different?

  • Search all the best travel sites at once and find the cheapest price
  • Browse confidently with
    Verified Reviews™ from trusted sources only
  • Click to buy direct from hotels or your favorite travel sites
Best Part, it’s easy and 100% free!

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